2024 Event SitePhilip Wang, MD, DrPH is a Professor of the Practice of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School (HMS), and a Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He directs the new Learning Health Systems Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), which helps systems collect and integrate clinical data on patients to continuously improve access, quality, equity, and outcomes. Dr. Wang completed his undergraduate degree in biochemistry, medical school, masters and doctoral degrees in epidemiology, as well as psychiatry residency and chief residency, all at Harvard University. He was a faculty member at HMS and BWH until 2006, when he went to serve as Deputy Director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). He has also served as the Deputy Medical Director and Director of Research for the American Psychiatric Association (APA) where he helped develop the APA’s national quality reporting registry (PsychPRO) and oversaw the recent text revision of DSM. He returned to HMS in 2019 and served as Chair and Chief of Psychiatry, as well as Chief Science Officer at Cambridge Health Alliance. He is currently Co-PI of an NIMH P50 ALACRITY Center grant, as well as an NIMH T32 Fellowship Training grant through the Harvard-T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He has also been awarded research grants from CMS, NIDA, AHRQ, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. He has served on several NIH Study Sections, as well as the FDA Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee, FDA Medical Devices Advisory Committee, and FDA Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee.
Director of the Center for Learning Health Systems, BWH;
Professor of the Practice of Psychiatry, HMS
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